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Class Overview

Our children grow up so quickly. We need to pack in as many happy memories and fun occasions as possible while we can.
Our Classes.jpeg

Although fun is a high priority our classes are more than fun…they offer a wide range of music, movement, imaginative, sensory and developmental experiences and exercise for you and your little one to enjoy together. 

We combine music and movement because it is a great way  to exercise and stimulate the brain and body at the same time, while learning basic and fundamental skills and concepts.

Our classes are structured, interactive and informative and are intended for you to work with your child so you can have the special privilege of being involved in your child’s development. The information you will receive in the sessions will enrich your play times at home and add significance to these times of fun and laughter because you will now understand how your child is benefiting from what you are doing.

It is always wonderful when daddies can attend, and grandparents too!  After all they are all part  of the team investing in your precious little one.

One more important point that I need to make is that we have age appropriate classes.  We have baby classestoddler classes and private classes.


Class Schedules & Booking : 

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